
Teodora Gerasimoska

Python Software Engineer & Trainer

About Me

  • Python Full-Stack Developer with 3+ years' experience, and a Python Trainer in a training center, with rich & diverse experience
  • Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.), sub-degree: Computer Science and Engineering
  • Skillful in creating REST APIs using Django framework/Amazon Web Services, automated data mining from web sources with Selenium, task delegation, teaching & public speaking
  • Passionate about Bioinformatics/Cheminformatics research, and using ML for understanding & processing biological data
  • Motivated and hardworking professional, well organized and adaptable, that believes in continuous improvement and sharing knowledge


Working experience

Digicube AG

Python Full-Stack Developer

  • Part of AZUM system AG - unique solution for athlete management, including exercise & nutrition, and providing valuable data insights
  • Using the Django Python-based web framework
  • Integration of external APIs (including Webhook integration)
  • User authentication with OAuth2 workflow
  • Authorization by only requesting permission for resources that are intended to be accessed or modified
  • Implementing modifications on scheduled tasks, timestamps etc. regarding selected timezone per user
  • Data integration from multiple sources into a single unified system
  • Writing unit tests for various components such as models, views, etc.
  • Agile software development(using the Scrum framework and tools such as Jira)
  • Active usage of code versioning tool – GIT (using BitBucket service)
  • Working with front-end technologies: Vue.js, HTML for features' maintenance & bug-fixing

Polar Cape Consulting AB

Python Full-Stack Developer

  • Using Django Python framework, React & TypeScript for feature development and maintenance of a data-driven web application
  • Indexing Elasticsearch documents using Python
  • Active usage of code versioning tool – GIT
  • Effective communication as part of client relations
  • Participating in every aspect of the Agile software development life cycle
  • Conducting workshops/knowledge sharing sessions in the fields of AI, ML and Python
  • Moderating discussion on topic: Can Auto ML replace a Data Scientist?
  • Participation in Agile Software Development & Information Security(GDPR) training events

Semos Education

Python Trainer

  • Webinars with free training for "Web Scraping with Python" (Digital Solidarity initiative), with 100+ participants
  • Conducting online and face-to-face courses with numerous examples and exercises
  • Topics: from basic syntax of the Python language, to building more complex applications; structuring code, manipulating data, error handling, interacting with databases, working with files, using build-in modules
  • Attending soft skills training courses

Sample Solutions BV

Python Developer

  • Mining data from internal and external sources (BeautifulSoup, Selenium)
  • Working with Amazon Web Services(AWS) mainly on creating REST APIs
  • Enriching B2B/B2C Database with companies' and employees' data
  • Writing and interpreting SQL queries
  • Research and analysis of Big Data (Characterizing various data sources, and combining them)
  • Active usage of code versioning tool – GIT (GitHub, CodeCommit)
  • Agile software development(using the Scrum and Kanban frameworks)
  • Defining tasks and code reviewing for the Python Development team
  • Mentoring and over-viewing the progress of the Junior and Intern Python Developers
  • Participation in GDPR/ISO 27001 training events

Volunteer experience

Social Friday

Social Friday Activity Coordinator


Ss. Cyril and Methodius University, Faculty of Computer Science And Engineering

Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Engineering

  • BSc thesis: Development of mass spectral libraries search tool, used to enhance organic compounds' identification
  • Relevant coursework: Algorithms and Data Structures, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Intelligent Systems, Data Mining, Probability and Statistics, Calculus, Discrete Math, Structured Programming, Object-Oriented Programming, Advanced Programming, Databases, Operative Systems, Web Design, Image Processing, Computer Networks, etc.


Development of mass spectral libraries search tool, used to enhance organic compounds' identification

The aim of this dissertation was to generate a tool for automated search and storage of MS spectra from one of the largest publicly available mass spectral libraries. Extracting data from the websites, processing of the collected structural identifiers from the metadata and data on the chromatographic-spectrometric methods used to generated mass spectra, and their storage in a tabular structure has been achieved by using web scraping, Python, Django, Vue.js and Bootstrap, while the complete source code of the web solution is available on Github.
The tool overcomes the problem of analytical data collection by analysts so far, which significantly speeds up the research process.

View Project

Classification of Tumor Type from Skin Images by Using Deep Learning

Taking the importance of timely tumor classification in account, machine learning methods are used for this approach of classifying tumorous skin images. By using features extraction and artificial neural networks, accuracy from 94% is obtained. The accuracy means that 94% of the images from tumorous part of the skin are correctly classified as benign or malignant, accordingly, and that information can be used in the following medical treatment. Working in Python, using the libraries: spicy, cv2, numpy, imageio, sklearn, Google Colab.
Part of Intelligent Information Systems course.

Prediction of Molecular Mass by Using Mass Spectrometry

Prediction of newly discovered compounds' molecular masses from ions' intensities obtained by using mass spectrometry; without knowing their molecular formula. Using Artificial Neural Network, Linear Regression, hybrid Machine Learning models, working mostly in Python.
Part of Bioinformatics course.

Measuring medicine's efficiency and determining medicines' similarity

Preprocessing on data-set containing patients' prescriptions, finding associations between the prescriptions, and measuring medicines' efficiency, depending whether it is acute or chronical therapy.
Part of Data Mining course.

Cryptocurrencies' Analysis and Prediction

Analysis of cryptocurrencies' data and creating models for future prediction of their values, by using Machine Learning and Statistics methods.
Part of Intelligent Systems course.

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